As the weather begins to warm up, we have an excellent opportunity to clean the winter away and prepare a beautiful landscape for the months ahead. The below schedule will help you plan all the necessary steps to get your yard ready for the growing season.
The checklist is broken down into early, mid- and late spring with to-do items for each period so you don't become overwhelmed as you freshen up your flower beds. Now, put on your gardening gloves and follow these tips!
Early Spring
Clean up flower beds: Clear away dead leaves, sift out rocks, and remove any other debris from the soil surface where you are planning to plant annual flowers and veggies.
Divide perennials: Overcrowded plants compete for nutrients and water. Dividing the plants into smaller sections reduces this competition and encourages new growth.
Add fresh mulch: Adding a fresh layer of mulch to garden beds will not only give your yard a polished look, but also help the soil retain moisture for your plants as well as keep weeds at bay.
Prune trees and shrubs: Pruning in early spring makes way for more growth and helps to encourage more flowers, foliage, and vibrant colors. Make sure to prune trees before buds begin to bloom so you don't put additional stress on them.
Plant veggies: Veggies such as potatoes, artichokes, and peas germinate best in cool soil. Once the ground has thawed, that's when you should plant them.
Clean bird feeders: Disinfect the feeders by scrubbing with a weak bleach solution. Rinse and let the feeders dry thoroughly before refilling them. It is important to clean birdbaths and feeders regularly throughout the season.
Plant new perennials and cold-hardy annuals: Freshly planted perennials need a little time to get settled and grow new roots before summer weather sets in, so get a head start by planting them in mid-spring.
Add new trees and shrubs: Plant as soon as hard freezes are over. The earlier you can do that, the more time your trees and shrubs will have to grow new roots before temperatures get too hot.
Late Spring
Start warm-season veggies: Warm-season crops such as tomatoes, peppers, and all sorts of herbs thrive in the late-season heat.
Plant summer-blooming bulbs: Check your area's average last frost date for a general idea of when to plan summer-blooming bulbs such as dahlias and gladiolus.
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