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Staying Safe While Renovating During a Pandemic

Home renovations and improvements have skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spending so much more time at home has heightened the desire of many Americans to create a space that they enjoy and that fits their needs. However, many homeowners don’t like the idea of having a contractor in their home during a pandemic. Here are a few ways to protect both you and the people working on your home:

Prioritize communication  – Before making definitive plans to renovate, ask contractors to share the precautions they are taking in light of the pandemic. It may likewise come as a relief to your contractor to know that the safety and health of everyone involved are important to you. Some key questions you can ask are:

  • How do you plan to keep my family safe while working in our home?

  • Does your company have a written policy you can share about performing work at private residences?

  • Does someone enforce these policies?

Promote cleanliness and safety  – Both contractors and homeowners should be following guidelines put in place by the CDC. This includes mask-wearing and good hand hygiene. Regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces throughout your home to keep everyone safe.

Leave if possible  – Home renovations can be disruptive and intrusive regardless of whether there’s a pandemic. If possible, leave your home and let the contractors complete the work before you return. If you have nowhere else to go, try to avoid the work area while workers are present.

Practice patience  – Keep in mind that everyone is doing their best to navigate this unprecedented situation. Plans could change and work could take a little longer to complete than expected.

If you are interested in making some renovations to your home, I would be happy to recommend a great contractor. Additionally, we have some fantastic renovation loan programs in place. Call me today to set up an appointment where we can review your finances.

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