Once your home loan is in process, it is time to start thinking about preparing for your move! During this time, no task can seem more daunting than packing your belongings. Here are a few tips to make packing for your move a breeze.
Begin early – Even if this isn’t your first time moving, packing usually takes longer than anticipated. Begin the process early to avoid the extra stress of rushing to finish.
Be strategic – Pack a few boxes that you will need immediately and mark them so that they are easily identifiable. Be sure to pack boxes based on rooms and mark them as such. Sortly is an excellent app to keep you organized while packing.
Stay safe – People often think that large boxes are for big heavy things; however, the opposite is true. Pack heavy things in smaller boxes, and lighter things such as sheets and bedding in larger boxes. Always be conscious of how much you can carry and make an effort to lift with your knees so that you don’t injure your back.
Be cautious – Be sure to use plenty of packing paper and filling materials when packing fragile things. Also make sure to check the bottom of your boxes to ensure that they are taped securely.
Use space wisely – When moving dressers, leave the drawers full. If you are moving suitcases or chests, fill those as well so you don’t waste space.
Reuse boxes – Rather than buying new boxes at your local hardware store, reuse boxes. U-Haul started a ‘ Take a Box, Leave a Box ” program where people drop off boxes that are still in usable condition at U-Haul locations and those who need them can pick them up for free.
For more packing tips, click here. When you are packing, don’t pack your important financial documents such as bank statements and tax returns until closing, as I may need you to send over some of those during the process.
Moving soon? I would love to talk to you! Call or email me!