The housing market is hot, making now the perfect time to ramp up marketing techniques and drive traffic to your open houses if you are a real estate agent. With mortgage marketing in its current competitive state, it’s important to make sure you are differentiating yourself from other agents. Follow these tips to market your open house for successful home sales.
Go live on social media – Facebook and Instagram both have a “go live” feature that enables you to show followers what is happening in real-time. When your open house is full of people, walk around and record a video. It can pique interests and show potential buyers that you have a hot listing.
Use a tablet for sign-ins – Rather than trying to read sloppy handwriting from a paper sign-in sheet, utilize a tablet to take information as people enter the open house. Apps such as Open Home Pro and Spacio were created specifically for signing in digitally at open houses.
Utilize social advertising – Create a Facebook event and promote it using Facebook advertising. Learn more here.
Collaborate with business partners – Lenders, closing attorneys, insurance agents and other business partners can all help you market. Ask your business partners to share your open house on their social media channels to increase visibility for your event. Additionally, you could even have some of these people on hand at the open house to answer buyers’ questions.
Add QR codes to your signs – having a QR code printed on your sign with your virtual business card is a great way for prospective buyers to have your contact information downloaded right to their phones. Click here for a service that allows you to create virtual business cards and QR codes.
If you have buyers who are ready to purchase a home this season, I would love to help them secure a mortgage loan. Call me today.